College Enrollment Support 2020-03-23T13:35:34+00:00


Stand By Me offers College Enrollment Support (CES) services to our partner high schools to help graduating seniors navigate the overwhelming and critical transition from high school to college.  Enrolling in college can be very complex with many additional steps after being admitted to college.

Over the past three years, our CES team has helped seniors with the many steps required to enroll in college successfully, including:  completing the FAFSA, resolving rejected FAFSA forms, completing college applications, reviewing alternate college options, engaging with college staff, creating online accounts to access DE scholarships and aid, interpreting financial award letters, registering for new student orientation, and registering for placement tests.


High School Class of 2020: Please take this brief survey to help us better understand the support you might need. 

2020 Senior Survey
  • Take the first step toward peace of mind and financial control. Meet with a personal financial coach.

Fill out the form below or call us. Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-560-3372.