FAFSA 2021-10-08T21:24:58+00:00

Complete the FAFSA and Get Free Money
for College or Trade School

Get Free One-on-One Help with the FAFSA

What is the FAFSA?

  • The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is required for government grants and many scholarships. All students who are going to college or trade school should fill it out. 

Why complete it?

  • The FAFSA is the first step for college funding of all kinds, including merit and athletic scholarships. Every student should complete one, even if you think you won’t qualify for aid..

What if my grades aren’t good enough?

  • Grades aren’t taken into consideration for federal aid. You should still complete the FAFSA!

My family income is too high.

  • You might be surprised. There are many college funding programs out there, and they all have different requirements. But nearly all of them will require the FAFSA to be completed. 

The FAFSA is the first step to college or trade school. Sign up for any of our free workshops, webinars, or one-on-one sessions to take the first step!

Our Programs

Paying for College Q&A Presentation

This presentation delivered by NexGen financial aid experts teaches 12th grade students and families how to apply for financial aid for college, receive further information, such as time lines, required tax information and have individual questions addressed about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well as federal loan programs.

FAFSA Walkthrough One-on-One Help

Stand by Me NexGen’s financial aid experts will help you to complete your FAFSA in a one-on-one setting via Zoom. Each appointment is 1 hour. You will receive a confirmation and a Zoom link for the date and time you choose.

Scholarships 101 

Students and their families learn from NexGen experts how to find and apply for scholarships for post-secondary education. The State of Delaware’s Scholarship Program and state and local college scholarship programs are highlighted.

FAFSA Opens door for Students. The FAFSA determines students’ ability to pay for their education, and thus their eligibility for federal, state and institutions grants, loans and work study opportunities. You should fill it out even if you think your grades aren’t good enough (grades are NOT taken into account for federal aid) or your family income is too high (you may be surprised).

Stand by Me, in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education and United Way of Delaware, provides financial aid information, resources and one-on-one FAFSA assistance to high school seniors. Our presentations like “Paying for College”, the “FAFSA Walk-Through”, and “Scholarships 101” are offered through Delaware’s public and charter high schools, as well as online. Check with your school counselor to find out when Stand by Me will be at your school.

  • Take the first step toward peace of mind and financial control. Meet with a personal financial coach.

Fill out the form below or call us. Dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-560-3372.